The UConn Now Series of reports and dashboards are designed to provide simple views of data related to Buildings, Operations and Maintenance, Capital Project, Rooms, Motor Vehicles, and many other areas associated with Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS). The data and layout of each UConn Now varies but there are common tools, functionality and behavior across them. The different tools and behaviors are described below.
Header tabs
Select drop-downs
UConn Now Tables
Table Header
Column Sorters
Column Smart Filter
Column Text Filter
Full Table Search Box
Table Export
Table Footer
Header tabs
Header tabs reside at the top of any UConn Now that has a close association with other UConn Nows. Click on any tab on the header and the page navigates to the newly selected UConn Now. On the Header tab below the current UConn Now is the UConn Now for Storrs Buildings. To quickly navigate to the UConn Now for Rooms, click the Types tab of the University of Connecticut – Space Header
Accordions are areas that are designed for information to be displayed by just clicking on a button causing an area to slide open and closed. For example, there are 6 accordions shown on a sample UConn Now below. Clicking on the Occupying Departments accordion causes that area to slide open to reveal a table containing the details of the occupying departments. Clicking on the Occupying Departments accordion a second time would cause the area to slide closed.
Select drop-downs
Most UConn Now pages require an action, such as selecting a choice from a drop down before displaying any information. In the example below click the Select a space type… drop down. Find the desired item on the list and click it. The table below refreshes with the corresponding data
UConn Now Tables
Most of the data in the UConn Now series is in a standard table format. The elements of the tables are:
Table Header
Column Sorters
Many of the columns provide a sort option indicated by the up and down arrows next to the column name. Click the appropriate grey arrow to sort in the desired direction.
The tables can only be sorted in one direction on one column at a time. The current sort column and direction is indicted by a change in color of of the arrow. Click the blue arrow to sort in the opposite order.
Column Smart Filter
Many of the columns provide a filter option. The most common is the Smart filter. The Smart filter is recognizable by the up and down arrows within the filter. Clicking on the filter give a summarized list of all values occurring in that particular column. Clicking on the filter and selecting a value filters the table down to those exact matches.
Column Text Filter
The other column filter is the Text filter. It is a text box that, when typed in, filters the table based on value in that particular column and does a match on the text entered.
Full Table Search Box
There is also a Full Table Search Box. It is a text box that, when typed in, filters the table based on a match on the text entered against ANY value in the table
If ’02’ is entered in the Full Table Search Box, matches would be found in a floor column for ’02’, in a date entered column for ’02=Feb-2017′, in an address column for ‘202 Main St’, etc.
Table Export
To save or export data into Microsoft Excel format click the Export button that appears at the top of the table next to the Full Table Search Box.
Each export file has a default name that includes the date of export. At any time when the Export is invoked, the current filters are applied. (There is no mechanism in the excel export that shows if a filter is set so it is recommended to rename or notate the file appropriately when using filters)
Table Footer
Many tables include smart footers that provide totals and other information.
The footers update and recalculate based on the filters. Below the UConn Now Motor Vehicles has the Manufacturer smart filter set to ‘GMC’ and the Table Footer