- Contacted CAS group to explore the possibility of using usernames/passwords for FAMIS login
- Completed the system diagram draft for FAMIS assigning/uploading WOs
- Research calls using API programming for messaging for Loader
- Coordinated with DB group to complete the data mining setting on FAMISP
- Research calls using API programming for messaging for Loader
- Attended the data mapping strategy meeting with XXXX
- Attended the FAMIS Support meeting
- Helped Sergiy to get NetBean set up and access to php2
- Research calls using API programming for messaging for Loader
- Coordinated with DB group to complete the data mining setting on FAMISP
- Helped XXXX to get the image upload running on DEV
- Research VB (using VS 2012) to get direct access to HTML elements on forms. Difficulty with accessing Oracle objects on Oracle forms.
- Attended the data mapping meeting with Simplex
- Continued research VB 2012