How to update simple and advanced object

To update an existing object, we need to create a new document for the whole object with the modified attribute values and use the corresponding update web service to update an existing object.Back


To update an existing template with phases and add new assets to the phase, we need to use the updateAeRPmiE web service

  • Go to AiM and get an existing template


We can see that there are no existing assets for the TM000004 template phase. So, now we are going to insert new assets for the phases.

  • Setup the authentication details
  • Create a service stub for the UpdateAeRPmiEDocumentweb service and pass the ENDPOINT URL of the web service
  • Pass the authentication through the serviceStub using Options
  • Create a “UpdateAeRPmiEDocument” document
  • Create an “UpdateAeRPmiEDocument” object and add the new “addNewUpdateAeRPmiE” list and pass the newly created document which is with the assets
  • Now, use the service stub to call the updateAeRPmiE web service


Verify it in AiM if the assets are update to the template phases



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