BackExample 1:
- Go to AiM_WorkDesk -> Human Resources->Employee Profile->Search
- Set Employee Type as “Shop Person” and Active status as “Yes” and Execute
- Copy the URL and in my case it is ““
- Breaking it down we find the criteria we gave to search
- Go to SOAPUI and open findAeHEmpEByDocument request
- Modify the value of empType as ‘S’ and active value as ‘Y’
- Delete all the other attributes and all the places where there is ‘?’ and also delete the content between the <fmax:list> tag
- Run the web service after entering the credentials. You will receive the data in the response sorted according to the ShopPerson ID which is the primary key. The search returns the header table data alone and does not return the details records. If you need the detail records also, use the findByKey web service. Also, confidential data and payroll data does not show up when you use this method.
Example 2:
- Go to AiM_WorkDesk -> Human Resources->Employee Profile->Search
- Change the search criteria such that Time Type ‘starts with’ ‘RE’
- Breaking down the URL, we find how the search criteria is passed, aeHEmpE.timeType.operator=STARTS_WITH& aeHEmpE.timeType=RE
- Go to SOAPUI and right click on the findAeHEmpEByDocument web service and create a new request
- Edit the value of timeType to ‘RE’ and sqlOperator to ‘STARTS_WITH’ and remove all other values with the ‘?’ and other attributes as we did earlier
- Run the web service and the response is the same
Example 3:
- To filter the employees whose last name contains ‘o’, you need to add the lname tag in addition to the existing conditions and run the web service
- Now, we are able to view the records which contain ‘o’ in their last name. The last name field in the search criteria is case-insensitive
Example 4:
- Go to AiM_WorkDesk -> Human Resources->Employee Profile->Search
- Change the search criteria such that edit date is ‘within’ ‘2 weeks’
- Breaking down the URL we find how the conditions are passed, aeHEmpE.editDate.endValue=2&
aeHEmpE.editDate.unitOfMeasure=WEEK - Go to SOAPUI and right click on the findAeHEmpEByDocument web service and create a new request
- Edit the values of editDate atttribute with sqlOperator to ‘WITHIN’, enValue=’2′,unitOfMeasure=’WEEK’ and remove all other values with the ‘?’ and other attributes as we did earlier
- Run the web service and it returns the records
Go back to Basic Web Services – Training