General – Calendar Functions and Date Shortcuts

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Date Field on Form

Pop-up calendars are available on all date fields to assist users with Date entry.

The Calendar

Right Click in a date field to access the calendar:

FAMIS Forms Calendar

<< Progresses backwards in time by 1 year

< Progresses backwards in time by 1 month

> Progresses forwards in time by 1 month

>> Progresses forwards in time by 1 year

Date Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
15 will result in the 15th of the current month and current year
TOD will result in the current date (the current month, day, and year)
TOM will result in the date for tomorrow
EW will result in the date of the last day of the week*
BW will result in the date of the first day of the week*
EM will result in the date of the last day of the month*
BM will result in the date of the first day of the month*
15 Jan will result in January 15 of the current year
15 Jan 12 will result in January 15, 2012
1-15 will result in January 15 of the current year

Date Formats

The date can be entered in many different formats. FAMIS will determine if the first number entered is the month or the day depending on the date entry order configuration.  The formats for date entry include:

  • MM-DD Day DD of month MM of current year.
  • MM-DD-YYYY Day DD of month MM of year YYYY.
  • DD-MON-YYYY Day DD of month MON of year YYYY.
  • DD-MON Day DD of month MON of current year.
  • DD Day DD of current month and year.
  • MON-DD Day DD of month MON of current year.
  • MON-DD-YYYY Day DD of month MON of year YYYY.
  • MON The first day of month MON of current year.
  • MONTH The first day of month MON of current year.
  • MMDDYYYY Day DD of month MM of year YYYY.
  • DAY Next date when this Day-of-the-Week will occur, excluding today.



  •  A slash (/) may be used in place of a hyphen (-) in the above formats.
  • Entering DAY DD-MON-YYYY is equivalent to entering just DD-MON-YYYY.  If there is any conflict between the DAY and DATE fields, the DATE field will take precedence.  You cannot change a full date by changing just the DAY field.
  • When entering DAY and DATE, make sure to leave a space after the DAY field.  If this space is omitted, the DATE field will be ignored.
  • You can query by Time, using the format HH:MM.  This will be interpreted as 24-hour time unless AM/PM is entered afterward (with no space before AM/PM).  The query will return all records whose time matches.
  • You can also query by Date and Time, using any acceptable date format, followed by a time query as described above.  If Time is not specified, a Date-alone query will return all matching records regardless of time.