Import a Revised Assessment
Navigate to the page, which is just like a report assigned to the users
The file must be exported from the system previously for revising purposes, and the assessment must have been checked out (even a new assessment previously exported – Asbestos Managers should manually check out the new assessment in order to import – this is because the new and blank assessment is currently open and available for adding and updating), and still in the checked out status.
1. Click the Import Excel Assessment button or the text box. An Open File dialog opens. Select the Excel file to import. Click the Open button on the dialog.
2. Wait until the process is done. The log information is then generated containing error messages and stored in the Asbestos Import Log report. Based on the message make any revision as needed. For example if the location of an item is not found in the room table, there will be a message “Location not found. Check site, building, floor, and room values” on the most right column of the item in the log report. As only valid items are imported, the revised Excel file just needs to contain items that were not imported due to errors. Users may choose to have all the items, including successfully-imported items and the revised-after-error items, in the Excel file to import. In this case the version numbers of the items in the system will become different if they were the same before.
Note: Any location (either room level with Site, Building, Floor, Room information or floor level with Site, Building, Floor information) is checked against the room and floor tables to see if it exists. If the location does not exist, a message “Check your location data (site, building, floor, room)” displays. The user needs to have the correct location in order for the data to be recorded in the database. Asbestos items can be at room level, in which all site, building, floor, room information must be provided; or at floor level, in which all site, building, floor information must be provided. Asbestos floor level should be applied only when necessary for example on roof floors. Asbestos room level should be applied in most of cases. Floor and Room are case-sensitive.
Other Notes
The revising work should be done in the content of the Excel workbook only. No changes should be made to the properties of the Excel files as the system bases on these to track the assessments. The figure below illustrates the file properties. Some identities are removed from the figure.
Import Cases
1. If an assessment which wasn’t exported from the system and is imported
The system will abort based on the properties of the workbook. If an assessment template is needed for a new building which wasn’t assessed before, use the New Excel Generation button. The same happens if the archive version of an assessment is imported.
2. If an item is imported with all complete Assessment ID, Item ID, Version
A newer version of the item in the system is created with version from the spreadsheet and incremented by 1. If the same item is imported again, the version number of the item in the system is the current maximal version of the item in the system incremented by 1.
3. If an item is imported with Assessment ID, Item ID, blank Version
The version of is set to 1
4. If an item is imported with different Assessment ID from the Assessment ID in the title of the Excel workbook
The item won’t be added, a error message is added corresponding to the item in the log report generated when the import process is done. The same happens if Assessment ID is blank
5. If an item is imported with Assessment ID, blank Item ID
The item will be added, the Item ID is the maximal Item ID in the Assessment in the system incremented by 1. Version is set to 1. If version is provided in the item, the version of the new item is based on the provided item instead (+1)
6. If an item is imported with Assessment ID, Item ID same as a deleted Item
The item won’t be added, a error message is added corresponding to the item in the log report generated when the import process is done. In this case, the item should be recovered using the Recover-items button. If it is a new item, leave the Item ID blank so that the system will determine itself.