General – The FAMIS Portal

Portal FAMIS (Forms) Reports Maps Floor Plans (Prototype) Self-Service
To access the FAMIS Portal, open a browser and enter the URL (Production)
The UConn CAS Log-in screen will appear.  Enter your Uconn credentials and click the Login button singleSignOnWindow
Upon successful login the FAMIS Xi Portal window appears.   The FAMIS Xi Portal Window is made up of several components that are described below Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 8.39.20 AM
On the FAMIS Xi Portal Window there is a series of tabs across the top that are dependent on the individual user configuration  crewSuperTabs
 The UCONN Now tab  The UCONN Now tab is a user’s first view in to FAMIS.  Each user or group has a custom view of UCONN Now that is based on his or her usage patterns in FAMIS.
The  FAMIS Portal Forms Tab contains the FAMIS Navigation window famisFormCrewSuper
The upper right corner of the screen contains some useful functions.  The most important is the Refresh link which can be used if your session gets in an undesirable state and you want to reset it. upperRightCornerFAMIS