Create a Maintenance Project in AiM

Standard Operating Procedures

Create a Maintenance Project in AiM

The instructions here are designed for individuals who are familiar with the AIM Environment. This includes logging in to AIM, WorkDesk, icons, menus, search screens, working with data, and entry screens. If you are new to AiM please refer to the documentation explaining these foundational AiM concepts or go to your supervisor and request training. 



Maintenance Projects are created in the Project Management module in AiM as a means to consistently track the scope of work, schedules and costs.

How to:

Once a project intake form has been approved a Project can be created in AiM.  A blank Project Intake form  is shown here.
Navigate to the Project Management Module by clicking Project Management  on the AiM WorkDesk Menu
On the Project Management menu, click the (New) icon for a Project
A new Project is created in AiM and is given a default identifier.  UConn does not use the default identifiers.  Please contact the Facilities Operations Business Office to get the current rules and guidelines for Project Identification.  In general, Project Identifiers follow these guidelines:

FO5XXXXX (For projects that are >$100,000 and/or are department funded, project ID is assigned by Project Accounting and will be FO5xxxxx.)

3XXXXX (For bond funded projects, project ID is assigned by Project Accounting and will be 3xxxxx.)

TLXXXX (For projects managed by Academic Renovations, project ID will be TLxxxx.)

IMFXXXXX (For projects mainly funded by IMF, project ID will be IMFxxxxx.)

PFXXXXX (For projects mainly funded by Plant Funds, project ID will be PFxxxxx.)

Once a project has been saved the identifier cannot be changed.

The Project Name from the intake form is written into the large text box underneath the project ID.  At the time of writing, it was determined there would be no formal protocol for naming projects.
Expect the Project Manager to be listed by name on the intake form.  In AiM the Project Manager will need to be found by first knowing his or her Shop (likely Management) and then picking from the list of shop members

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the Shop textbox.
  2. In the shop list, click the Shop where the Project Manager is assigned.
  3. Click the netid corresponding to the Project Manager listed on the intake form.


The Project Scope is entered by clicking the Extra Description option in the View.

Project Scope block on intake form

Enter one or two sentences of the basic Project Scope in the Extra Description Text Box and click the Done button when finished.  If the Project Scope is longer copy and paste the entire text as a note on the notes log.


This truncated project scope will appear on the Facilities Operations Project List.


Enter the Estimated Start Date and Estimated End Date using the date widgets for these items on the Project Screen

Enter the Estimated Cost of the entire project in the Budget text box on the Project Screen

Enter the Work Type on the Intake Form using the AiM Project Group.  The allowable values for Project Group are shown here.  TO DO – touch base with Lara on Landscape A and Landscape BWork Type input form Work type list
The Project Type is determined by the Facilities Business office and cannot be found on the Project Intake form.  Enter or select the Project Type from the list shown here.  The Project Identifier that is entered should correlate to the specified Project Type. Project Type text box

Project Types

The Project Status text box will default to “INITIATION” once the Project Type is entered in the previous step

The Project Account Setup is entered by clicking the Account Setup option in the View.  
Click the Add button associated with the Charge Section
Select Percentage Split and click the Next button

• For IMF there will be a unique KFS account number for each Fiscal Year that is used for all IMF projects– For FY20 choose 4164020
• For PF there is a single KFS account number that is used for all PF projects regardless of fiscal year– 4297220
• For Emergency projects there is a single KFS account that is used for all Emergency projects regardless of fiscal year – 2842270
• For TL and FO projects there will be at the minimum a single KFS account number depending on the funding – if there are multiple KFS numbers then choose the first established KFS number – this is for AIM only – entries into HuskyBuy and KFS will depend on available balances of accounts – this is a function outside of AIM

For the Charge side choose subcode 6648, subledger ALL and fill in 100 in the percentage field


Click the Done button

Click the Add button associated with the Offset Section.  Enter the Account, Subcode and Subledger = All then click the Done button
Confirm the Accounting is set up in alignment with Facilities Operations process and click the Done button.
There are a series of UConn specific project elements that are found in the User Defined Fields of AiM.  Click the User Defined Fields link to access these fields UDF link

Work Type Sub Category can be selected from the list of valued available in the first User Defined Field

Aim cannot enforce that the Work Type Sub Category is a value associated with the Project Group.  To assist you the Project Group is shown in the description along with the work type sub category.  Please make sure you select a SubCategory that is acceptable in the Project Group (Work type) specified on the intake form.  The intake form provides the Work Type Subcategories applicable to the specific work type that is chosen.

Funding source can be selected from the list of valued available in the second User Defined Field

Aim cannot enforce that the Funding source selected matches aligns with the Project Type selected.  Please make sure you select a funding source that aligns with the specified project type.  Upon approval of the intake form, the email requesting project set up will include the Funding Source.

Building Permit is the third User Defined Field with acceptable values shown to the right.  Optional:  If the project manager has supplied this information than this field can be filled out.
Construction Percent Complete is a field that needs to be maintained during construction for accurate reporting.  It is a numeric value and can be set to zero at the start of the project. Optional:  If the project manager has supplied this information than this field can be filled out.
Building Permit Open Closed is the next User Defined field with acceptable values show to the right.  Optional:  If the project manager has supplied this information than this field can be filled out.

Source of Estimate is the next User Defined field with acceptable values show to the right.

Enter the Source of the Estimate as follows:

Vendor Quote:  For quotes, proposals, estimates provided by vendors that are not engineers, designers or architects.

External Consultant: For quotes, proposals, estimates provided by external engineers, designers or architects.

Internal Design:  For quotes, proposals, estimates provided by internal UCONN engineers, designers or architects.

Informal Estimate:  For estimates based on history or UCONN staff.

The next two User Defined fields are used together.  The project coverage area is used to specify the square footage the project covers with a unit of measure of SQFT.  If the project is measured by some technique other than square footage the appropriate measurement and its units should be entered here as well.  Optional:  If the project manager has supplied this information than this field can be filled out.
There are three other User Defined Fields that can be left empty at the time of project initiation.  They are explained here.
When all the User Defined Fields that need to be populated now are entered click the Done button
Enter BOT Dates, MOU Dates, and any project notes to be shown on project and program reports by adding Notes.  Click the Notes Log in the View.
The Notes Log Screen is shown here.  Click the Add button to create the desire element
Specify the Note Type of: MOU_DATE, BOT_DATE, or LIST_PRINT if it will be used for standard reporting.  Leave the note type blank if it is just for use within the system.

For date entry use the following format: XX/XX/XXXX

Click the Save button when the note is entered.

Click the Done button when all notes have been entered.
Click Save button when the project information above is complete and accurate.  The only value that cannot be edited after Project Creation is the Project ID.





The System Administrator is responsible for managing and overseeing the Project Management module its configuration and functionality.



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