PHP Release Management Process – Release to Test Environment Sub-Processes

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Release to Test Environment Sub-Processes

Release to Test environment can be proceeded by release managers (primary/back-up RMs) on receiving the Jira email notification, or by developers when release managers are not available. In the latter case, a Jira ticket number must be ready for the associated changes. The following lists sub-processes and details:

Create a Tag

  1. Login using NetID and password.
  2. Open the page of famis repository in the famis project
  3. Click the Tags link on the left of the page
  4. Note down the next tag number (see the Administrative Notes)
  5. Click the Commits link on the left. Find the most recent commit with the Jira ticket number in the received email notification. Click its link.
    • Note that if there are multiple commits (for multiple Jira tickets), you can include them in 1 tag, and provide information of them in the description when creating a tag (e.g. FAMREP-147, 157, 199)
  6. Click the Tag this commit link on the right
  7. Provide the tag name, and the description as shown below. Click create tag button.

Test Release

  1. Go to Login using NetId and password.
  2. Click the Release-Manager role link, enter the tag name, and click Review Change button.
  3. Click the Apply Change button to release code to the Test environment
  4. Check if the message shows

Jira Ticket Update

  1. Go to Jira, and type the url to the ticket, in the form
    For example, if the ticket is FAMREP-151, the link is
  2. Click the Edit button on the top left corner to edit the ticket, change the Assignee dropdown value to the developer, and provide a comment in the Comment text area (e.g. “In Test now”)