General – Using List of Values (LOVs)

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When entering or updating records in FAMIS, certain fields will provide a list of values from which you can select to enter the data.

Accessing an LOV

An LOV is available for a particular field if:

  1. There is an List of Values Button button to the right of the field, or
  2. There is a field label that looks like a raised button, requestorLOVbtn, or
  3. Pressing the F9 key launches an LOV window, or
  4. Right-clicking the mouse in the field and selecting LOVMenuinFormField launches an LOV window.

Type of LOV Windows

The window that appears may be one of the following different types of LOV windows

Name Description Example
Find Type LOV  Used to query a short list of items.  This includes lists such as Status Codes, Maintenance Type Codes, Priority Codes, etc.  equipTypeFindLOV
Query Type LOV  Used to query a long list of items.  This includes lists such as Work Orders, Standing Work Orders, Employees, etc.  ParentWOQueryLOV
Search Type LOV  Used to search a record based on specific search criteria.  This includes list such as Parts & Equipment  equipmentSearchLOV