Publisher Training Guide – Developing in Publisher – Duplicating A Publisher Request

When to use this process:

The only time a Publisher report should be duplicated is when it is being shared with a group or individual, usually a Vendor, who should not be given access to the area where the working copy of the report resides.

1. Locate the original report in Publisher: Dup-pub-rep-locate-original
2. Within the report definition portion of Publisher click the Duplicate button: Dup-pub-rep-duplicate-button
3. This will create a duplicate of the current report with the text “*NEW*” appended to the file name: Dup-pub-rep-append-new
4. Adjust the specified Folder from the current Folder to the target Folder: ChangeDup-pub-rep-specified-folder
5. Remove the “*NEW*” from the file name:  Dup-pub-rep-remove-new
6. In the Description section of the report note that the report is a duplicate and provide the location of the original stating the Context Library, Folder and Report Name like in this example:  Dup-pub-rep-desc-example“This is a duplicated version of a report.
The original report resides in the Portfolio Context Library, in the University Planning Reports folder and is name Space Master Room – Simple”
7. Click the Save buttonPublisher will refresh and remain in the current folder with no active report.  Navigate to the newly created report and confirm it looks and is working as expected.  Dup-pub-rep-save-button
8. Navigate back to the original version of the report and in the Description section of the report note that the report is a duplicated elsewhere and provide the location of the duplicate stating the Context Library, Folder and Report Name like in this example:  Dup-pub-rep-desc-example-2