Asbestos Management System – Add a New Item – User Guide

Add a New Item


Navigate to the page, which is just like a report assigned to the users

1. Type the Building Name, or Building Number, or Assessment ID in the text box Assessment ID – Building. Select the needed assessment from the suggested list. The Assessment ID is returned to the text box.

2. Click the Apply Filters button. All the items in the assessment displays with the highest versions.

3. Click the “+” button to add a new item. A new row displays below the current row.

4. The user can start typing in the text box. Columns such as Assessment ID, Item ID, Version are unchangeable.

5. Once the data entry is done, click the “+” on the new row. The row is added and sorted. Item ID is the max Item ID + 1, and Version = 1.


Note: Any location (either room level with Site, Building, Floor, Room information or floor level with Site, Building, Floor information) is checked against the room and floor tables to see if it exists. If the location does not exist, a message “Check your location data (site, building, floor, room)” displays. The user needs to have the correct location in order for the data to be recorded in the database. Asbestos items can be at room level, in which all site, building, floor, room information must be provided; or at floor level, in which all site, building, floor information must be provided. Asbestos floor level should be applied only when necessary for example on roof floors. Asbestos room level should be applied in most of cases. Floor and Room are case-sensitive.